From wikipedia, "A social network service focuses on building and reflecting social networks or social relations among people, e.g., who share interests and/or activities."
Now, I'm not sure about you but when I meet someone new and they ask to friend me or I ask to friend them, I don't usually ever talk to them afterwards unless they do become good friends. But if the person I met was specifically for "social networking" I am ninety-nine point nine percent sure I would never speak to them again. Actually, I'd say I speak to maybe ten friends on Facebook occasionally and no one regularly. Not on Facebook anyway. I don't even know how Facebook can enhance or foster relationships. It's not a dating site and I definitely do not add random strangers even if they have the exact same interests. Yes, I've heard the miracle story of two people meeting on Facebook and then getting married but that is a one in a billion chance for Facebook. I really don't think it strengthens friendships because friendships are created and enhanced by hanging out, doing things together, sharing secrets and gossip, not by wall posting for an hour straight on each other's walls. It might be something that will stay, but I'm not quite sure.
I just feel like Facebook is one of those new chic things that everyone uses and then will kind of just forget. *cough Myspace *cough
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